For long time I wasn’t satisfied with Tumblr. My concerns were inability to have a backup, the fact that everything I publish do not belong to me, incredible heaviness of Tumblr, bad markdown support, problems posting multiple images and luck of control in general.

I am in full control of this new site which is good for the web as an independent platform, looking on you, Facebook. I am committed to do a better job with it, including editing old material, using better style and grammar of course.

New site is smaller.

You reading this from my new site which front page with the same 10 posts is about 900 KB against old 2.4 MB.

Safari window which shows old Tumblr blog with web inspector. It has borders, looks grey, has Tumblr customise buttons and looks very heavy in general. Screenshot that show Safari window with this blog on it and web inspector. It has light yellow background.

New features.

My blog is also supports syntax highlighter and trendy link posts. You can distinguish them by little anchor icon.

Screenshot that shows one red coloured title on a yellow background with anchor icon on the left.

This means I can post code snippets:

print("Hello World")

Don’t worry, I am not getting into too much technical details, I know that some or most of my readers are not programmers. And when I do, I will make sure you can understand everything without any programming knowledge.


I do care about accessibility, I am adding alt and title tags to all images, so even if you can’t see, you know what pictures showing.

Privacy and feedback.

In terms of privacy, I am not using any cookies or any analytics on this site. It’s true, look into the source by pressing command + option + i 1. This means I have no idea how many people reading this and where are you from. I don’t need to know, if something turns out extremely popular, I will know.
Your feedback is welcome on Twitter.

RSS subscribers.

You can read full articles from your favourite RSS client. Subscribe with this feed link.

Technical details.

I am using Jekyll static site generator and GitHub Pages for hosting. Jekyll allows me to run a local instance of this site to preview changes before I publish with Git. Jekyll is written on Ruby.

  1. Assuming you using Safari with Developer mode enabled. Open Safari > Preferences > Advanced > Show developer menu in menu bar.